2020, October 14: Morning Star, Crescent Moon

Venus, Moon in Leo, October 14, 2020
2020, October 14: Venus is less than 24° up in the east-southeast, 6.6° to the upper right of the moon (27.0 days after the New moon phase, 8% illuminated). Venus is over 13° to the lower left of Regulus.

Brilliant Morning Star Venus appears above the crescent moon on October 14, 2020.

by Jeffrey L. Hunt

Before sunrise on October 14, the brilliant planet Venus and the crescent moon appear in the eastern sky along with the star Regulus.

Venus is moving eastward in front of the stars of Leo the Lion.

The chart above displays the moon, Venus and two bright stars of Leo – Regulus and Denebola.  Regulus is portrayed as the Lion’s Heart, while Denebola marks the Tail.

See our summary about Venus during October 2020 and the feature article  about Venus as a Morning Star.

On the chart above, Venus is less than one-third of the way up in the eastern sky.  The moon, 27.0 days past the New phase and only 8% illuminated, is 6.6° to the lower left of Venus.  Venus is over 13° to the lower left of Regulus.

Photographers can capture “earthshine” on the night portion of the moon.  Reflected sunlight from Earth gently illuminates the lunar night.  The effect appears on photographs of few seconds.

Here’s the guide for the planets tomorrow (October 15, 2020).

Read more about the planets during October.


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