2020, December 17: Venus Nears Pretty Conjunction

Venus, December 17, 2020
2020, December 17: Before sunrise, brilliant Morning Star Venus is 1.1° to the upper right of Graffias (β Sco).

December 17, 2020: Venus is low in the southeast before sunrise, near the star Graffias, Beta Scorpii, one day before its conjunction with the star. This morning conjunction is about the same separation as the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on December 21, 2020.

by Jeffrey L. Hunt

Chicago, Illinois:  Sunrise, 7:13 a.m. CST; Sunset, 4:21 p.m. CST.  Check local sources for sunrise and sunset times for your location.

This morning, brilliant Venus continues as “that bright star” in the east before sunrise.  One hour before the sun rises, the planet is about 10° up in the southeast.  It is approaching the star Graffias (β Sco), the Crab, in Scorpius.  The separation is 1.1°, with Venus to the upper right of the star.

The planet is near the Libra-Scorpius border. Tomorrow Venus is 0.1° from the star, a sample of the proximity of Jupiter and Saturn’s Great Conjunction on December 21, 2020.

Use a binocular to initially locate the star near Venus and then attempt to look for it without optical help.

Detailed Note: Before sunrise, find brilliant Venus about 10° up in the southeast, 1.1° to the upper right of β Sco.

See our summary about Venus during December 2020 and the feature article  about Venus as a Morning Star.

Read more about the planets during December.


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