Venus & Jupiter (and Saturn), June 5, 2015



Brilliant Venus and Jupiter shine from the western sky this evening as seen from the Chicago area.  Just 25 days before the 2015 Epoch Conjunction, the two planets are 17 degrees apart this evening.  Venus is 8 degrees to the upper left of the star Pollux. Notice how Venus far Jupiter has moved since June 1st (here). Jupiter is about 13 degrees to the lower right of the star Regulus.

For more about the conjunction, see this summary article.

See this article for more as Venus as an Evening Star.

Meanwhile, Saturn appears in the southeastern sky at the same time the bright planets gleam from the western sky.  This ringed wonder is about 11 degrees to the upper left of the star Antares.  If you click the two images displayed here you can see distinct  colors with Antares, Regulus, Castor and Pollux.

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