2021, June 11: Venus – Moon Conjunction

June 11, 2021:  During the early evening brilliant Evening Star Venus and the crescent moon appear together in the west-northwest after sunset.  The pairing is the second closest during this appearance of Venus in the evening sky.

2021, June 11, The crescent moon is to the lower right of Venus.
Chart Caption – 2021, June 11, The crescent moon is to the lower right of Venus.

by Jeffrey L. Hunt

Walk outside about 45 minutes after sunset.  Look to the west-northwest.  A clear view across the sky is needed to see the grouping of Venus and the crescent.

A spot on a hillside or elevated structure is helpful.  Take along a binocular to initially see the crescent.

Brilliant Venus is shining through the spectacular hues of sunset.  It is about 8° up in the west-northwest. The crescent moon, 2% illuminated, is 2.8° to the lower right of Venus.

Venus and the moon set about 90 minutes after sunset.  As the sky darkens, they are lower in the sky.

2021, May 12: The moon is 1.2 degrees to the left of brilliant Venus.
Photo Caption – 2021, May 12: The moon is 1.2 degrees to the left of brilliant Venus. This was the closest grouping of the pair for this evening appearance of Venus.

Photograph the pairing with a tripod-mounted camera.  Depending on the sky’s brightness and the camera’s settings, exposures can range from fractions of a second to a few seconds.

Next month, the moon is in the region again on July 11 and July 12.

Follow the moon during the next few evenings after its grouping with Venus as it moves higher in the western sky, passing Mars.

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